Martha Johnson | Biography | Best Practice Institute
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Martha Johnson is leadership speaker and writer who draws on the lessons learned as an executive with a more than 30-year career in public and private organizations.

She was nominated by President Obama and confirmed unanimously by the US Senate to be the Administrator of the General Services Administration, a position she held for two years. She also served eight years with the Clinton Administration and was appointed to two commissions with the British Government. Her private sector career has spanned the information technology, architecture, strategic consulting, and automotive industry.

Johnson has delivered over 50 public speeches on topics including leadership, organizational transformation, sustainability, and government innovation. She has been featured repeatedly in the press and has testified before the US Congress on government effectiveness.

Johnson was graduated with a BA from Oberlin College and an MBA from the Yale University School of Management.


On-Demand Learning Sessions

Leadership During Crisis

Learning Session | Published: June 24, 2016

Inspired by first hand accounts and interviews with leaders throughout the public and private sector, leadership expert Harry Hutson and for GSA Adminstrator Martha Johnson examined leaders effected by tramautic events such as 9/11, the Oklahoma City & Boston bombings, Hurricane Katrina, hostile tak...
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