Self-Sustaining Leadership - Best Practice Institute
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Self-Sustaining Leadership

Presenter: Kirk Wilkinson, Corporate Director of Training and Leadership Development - Professional Speaker, trainer and Executive Coach


Are you having fun yet? If you are not having fun as a leader then chances are you are trying too hard. Leadership is not accidental, whether you want to be or not, you are a leader. Whenever you influence others toward a goal, you are acting as a leader. Learn how to create leadership momentum so that everyone in your organization becomes a leader and you can help them do that in a way that becomes self-sustaining.

While leadership isn’t about fun, it shouldn’t be hard. Self-sustaining leadership is based on tried and true principles of leadership that have a profound impact on the individuals you work with. Don’t think that leadership is a title, a position or a job. Learn the art of self-sustaining leadership that makes all the difference.

What Will You Learn

You will learn the proven formula of true leadership that creates a leadership culture through the five “Es” of self-sustaining leadership:
•Energize, and
With these five principles you will create a leadership culture that reduces your workload, empowers your workforce, and increases your profit.

Who Will Participate

Executives, Directors, Managers and Employees


Kirk Wilkinson

Corporate Director of Training and Leadership Development - Professional Speaker, trainer and Executive Coach

Access Resource

60 Minutes
