Retention Strategies for Enhanced Performance - Best Practice Institute
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Retention Strategies for Enhanced Performance

Presenter: Mike Monahan, Senior Partner, Healthcare Resources


Even in down economic times, we need fully staffed businesses with appropriate, engaged staff. Decisions we make today about hiring, managing and setting staffing levels will have long term effects on organizational effectiveness. In this presentation, we will take a critical look at the “Employee Engagement Cycle” from pre-hire to exit interview. Questions will be answered such as: Why do they stay and leave? What are the consequences of a disengaged staff that won’t quit? How can you keep the best and fire the rest?

What Will You Learn

•Describe the importance of and key steps in hiring the right people
•List the components of the “Employee Engagement Cycle”
•Take away critical evaluation points for determining their organization’s effectiveness in managing talent
•Create a model for implementing enhanced management of talent and retention in their organization
•Apply lessons learned from presented case studies on the job

Who Will Participate

Directors/Senior Executives of Recruitment, Talent Management, Retention, Organization Development, Human Resources Development


Mike Monahan

Senior Partner, Healthcare Resources

Access Resource

60 Minutes
