Anders Gronstedt, Ph.D. at Best Practice Institute
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Expert Detail


Anders Gronstedt, Ph.D. – President of The Gronstedt Group, is an author, public speaker and entrepreneur. He is an advocate of using Next-Gen Learning tools to advance real-world skills through virtual and augmented reality training, transmedia storytelling, game and simulation-based learning. The Gronstedt Group has been instrumental in helping global companies like Walmart, KPMG, Google, HP, DaVita, and Kimberly-Clark and government clients like the Department of Transportation and the City of New York improve performance with innovative learning approaches. Anders is a former faculty member of the University of Colorado–Boulder School and his articles have appeared in the Harvard Business Review.


On-Demand Learning Sessions

From Immersion to Presence: How AR and VR Will Revolutionize Your Learning

Learning Session | Published: June 16, 2018

VR and AR are here. Apple ARKit and Google ARCore are turning two billion phones into a magic lens that can arm your workforce with superpowers. Full-body VR offers a digital rehearsal space of such convincing verisimilitude that learners feel they are actually there. How are Fortune 500 companies d...
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Learning in the age of physical distancing: Mobile Gaming and VR

Learning Session | Published: April 14, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 might well be the tipping point for the learning revolution that was first sketched out in the 1990s during the early days of the World Wide Web. We’re witnessing two decades of digital learning transformation in a couple of months. Classrooms have been uprooted fr...
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