Seymour is a Partner in the Leadership practice at Kincentric, the global Talent Advisory firm. Seymour directs the development and implementation of leadership development, talent assessment, succession, and talent management programs for organizations across a variety of industries. He has partnered with leading U.S. and global organizations to enhance capabilities in leadership assessment and development, and talent and performance management. Seymour was a founder and principal of Assessment Solutions Incorporated, a firm he helped take public in 1997, which was acquired by Aon in 2001. In addition to a 40-year career as a practitioner, Seymour has taught in graduate programs at Purdue University, Stevens Institute of Technology, New York University, and currently is an adjunct professor at Hofstra University’s doctoral program in Applied Organizational Psychology. A graduate of the Doctoral Program in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at New York University, Seymour is a Fellow of the Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology and the American Psychological Association, has served as President of the Metropolitan New York Association of Applied Psychology, and has contributed extensively to both the scientific and practitioner literatures in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. He is the co-editor of the recently published book, Technology Enhanced Assessment of Talent.
Learning Session | Published: May 28, 2019