Diane Gayeski at Best Practice Institute
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Expert Detail


Diane Gayeski, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized futurist, author, and consultant in business performance improvement, corporate communications, and training. Dr. Gayeski is the author of 14 books including Managing Learning and Communication as Business Assets and Learning Unplugged: Using Mobile Technologies for Organizational Training and Performance Improvement. She also maintains a full-time appointment as Interim Dean of Graduate Studies and Professor of Strategic Communication at Ithaca College.

Diane Gayeski, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized futurist, author, and consultant in business performance improvement, corporate communications, and training.


On-Demand Learning Sessions

Winning the War for Talent

Learning Session | Published: May 08, 2013

By many accounts, the US workforce will have a shortage of about 14 million educated workers by 2020. That's not the end of the bad news. The high school dropout rate is increasing. Boomers are retiring in droves. And the most talented individuals don't even want traditional jobs anymore. Will you b...
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Leading Virtual Teams

Learning Session | Published: May 08, 2013

As more organizations expand globally, execute projects with cross-functional teams, rely on mobile workers who are rarely in the office, and engage in strategic external partnerships, they need to develop the skills, policies, and technologies to effectively support virtual teams. Many remote and v...
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