Wendy Heckelman at Best Practice Institute
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Expert Detail


Highly experienced consultant and facilitator to the pharmaceutical and medical device industry. I partner with clients to develop customized solutions in strategy development and execution implementation, business performance improvement, and human capital strategy. Clients count on my firm, WLH Consulting, Inc. to engage in thorough diagnostics to assess performance gaps, identify solutions, and determine a course of action to close gaps and achieve business results.

In addition to pharmaceutical and biotech, client engagements include the following industries: consumer products, financial services, and international non-profit organizations. We have managed large-scale projects related to merger integration, structural re-organization, and field force expansions / consolidations. If a project involves a global or U.S. roll-out, we understand the many challenges and requirements to ensure successful stakeholder engagement and involvement.


On-Demand Learning Sessions

Business Acumen for the HR and OD Professional

Learning Session | Published: June 17, 2013

HR professionals need to better understand the business to act as strategic business partners. HR professionals need “business acumen” to draw sound conclusions from business information. More importantly, they need to take the actions needed to drive organizational results. In this webinar, We...
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Cultural Transformation: Five Principles for Rapid Culture Change

Learning Session | Published: June 17, 2013

Many organizations undertake initiatives to transform their culture. The fact is all organizations have a culture. The key question is does the culture support the desired mission and goals? Do employees' beliefs about the stated culture and the actual culture match up? Using the Four Principles for...
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Change and Thrive: The Role of the Transition Leader

Learning Session | Published: January 29, 2021

During our time together I will share: Principles that differentiate those 30% of the organizations who are successful at managing large scale change A validated change implementation framework to account for the two primary change failures How to prepare your leaders to lead their teams thro...
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