Janna Hartsock has 17 years of experience in Human Resources, with the last 10 focused on HR systems. Previous HR experience also includes Recruiting and Benefits Administration. She has worked for companies with populations as small as 450 employees and as large as 22,000. Her exposure to HR systems ranges from smaller systems (ABRA), to large ERPs (PeopleSoft). In 2010, Janna was one of the first to obtain the new Human Resources Information Professional (HRIP) Certification through the International Human Resources Information Management Association.
Janna Hartsock has 17 years of experience in Human Resources, with the last 10 focused on HR systems. Previous HR experience also includes Recruiting and Benefits Administration. She has worked for companies with populations as small as 450 employees and as large as 22,000. Her exposure to HR systems ranges from smaller systems (ABRA), to large ERPs (PeopleSoft). In 2010, Janna was one of the first to obtain the new Human Resources Information Professional (HRIP) Certification through the International Human Resources Information Management Association.
Learning Session | Published: June 17, 2013