Allstate Insurance
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Allstate Insurance

A recruitment and selection process that leverages the Internet, internal database technology, and work analysis tools in a case study format.Allstate is the second-largest personal lines insurance company in the United States, as well as a major life insurer. It insures 1 of every 8 homes and automobiles in the country, and provides insurance for more than 20 million consumers in the United States and Canada. Its parent company, the Allstate Corporation, is the nation’s largest publicly held personal lines insurance company. Based in Northbrook, Illinois, Allstate has over 15,000 agents and 39,000 nonagent employees.The recruitment and selection process at Allstate is one of the most critical of human resources processes. While other HR processes are important, a well-executed recruitment and selection process ensures that the right people are selected for the right jobs. Companies that fail to recruit and retain the best individuals for the job and the organization end up with only...
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