Bose Corporation: Competency-based Leadership Development
This article outlines a competency-based leadership development system for the first line, middle, and senior-level managers that is designed to develop a leadership pipeline.In this article you will find:• Company Description• Building a Business Case for Leadership Development• Leadership Development Systemo Organizational Audit Identifies Leadership Needso Bose Valueso Leadership Competencieso Identifying Leadership Talento Competency-Based Development Programso Improvement Initiativeso Talent Pool Management/Succession Planningo Measuring Success• Learnings
Since its entrepreneurial beginnings 35 years ago, Bose Corporation has demonstrated product and market leadership best exemplified in its strong brand image. Millions of consumers associate Bose with innovation and excellence, two of its founding values. But like most companies that grow rapidly in size and complexity, Bose has entered a new thresh...