Chevron: International Marketing Fellowship Program
Chevron’s Global Marketing Business Unit consists of 8,800 colleagues, operates in 90 countries and multiple markets with three strong brands, Chevron, Texaco, and Caltex. Maintaining attention on the right business challenges can be daunting – especially at the individual colleague level. Maturing markets, the rise of unbranded competitors and tightening margins are trends that have been affecting our business for many years. By prioritizing and sharpening our focus on what matters most, we can succeed in building a competitive advantage relative to our competitors. One incredibly effective way Chevron Global Marketing has found to sharpen and align that focus at the organization and individual level is through an experiential learning event call the International Marketing Fellowship Program (IMFP). Through this experiential learning event, participants learn to think globally, understand cultural diversity, gain global organizational savvy, and build global partnership...
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