Hewlett-Packard: Learning Performance Measurement
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Hewlett-Packard: Learning Performance Measurement

Hewlett-PackardBuilding Learning Performance Measurement MaturityThis case study tells the story of Hewlett-Packard’s Workplace Learning and Performance (WLP) function to significantly improve its maturity in Learning Performance Measurement and how a team of dedicated professionals drove that change over a three year period.Within most companies today, the Workplace Learning and Performance function is increasingly expected to show its value to the broader enterprise. The function is under considerable scrutiny. Many corporations are outsourcing portions of their WLP function. Others have reduced their training and development investments even though employee competency improvement is a stated objected of these firms. WLP functions are finding it necessary to show tangible return on the investment in human capital development and simultaneously demonstrate increased operational efficiency and high levels of learner satisfaction with their program offerings.The answer seems fairly ob...
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