Matching Analytics to HR’s Chief Goals
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Matching Analytics to HR’s Chief Goals

Almost every aspect of workforce management and top talent identification is viewed as a “high” or “very high” in terms of importance by the HR professionals in our survey. This shows that analytics has the potential to impact talent management at every level but may also signify that analytics is viewed as a catch-all. In a recent BPI study, we surveyed 50 organization’s talent management and HR functions from various industries ranging from Oil and Gas, Healthcare, pharmaceuticals, to Insurance, financial services, and more. We learned it takes a specific analytics plan and strategy to turn predictive modeling into a useful tool, especially for “Productivity” as a high analytics priority at 38% and “Leadership,” at 39% which had the largest score in the “very high” designation. This was followed by ROI at 34% for high extent and 30% for very high extent.