How To Prepare, Stage, and Deliver Winning Presentations - Best Practice Institute
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How To Prepare, Stage, and Deliver Winning Presentations

Presenter: Tom Leech, Author, Presentations Coach/Seminar Leader, Conference Speaker -- Tom Leech Winning Presentations, Thomas Leech & Associates


As a leader you are constantly giving presentations and making proposals. Recently, PowerPoint and other software programs are proving to be more hurtful that helpful. Excessive use of effects and complicated graphics are causing criticism amongst audience members. It is time to shift focus and use the correct tools to enhance their presentation performance. In this session, we will review models and solutions for achieving winning presentations through PowerPoint and other software programs.

In this session, we review the potential problems associated with software graphics programs, including, of course PowerPoint, and remedies to help use the software wisely to achieve truly winning presentations.

What Will You Learn

-How to plan a successful presentation
-Why analyzing objectives, audiences and strategy is important
-How to develop content in PowerPoint presentations
-What tools to use to enhance presentations and training
-How to communicate successfully using graphics and special effects

Who Will Participate

Executives, project managers, program managers, sales-marketing teams, techies and anyone else who wants to make a successful presentation


Tom Leech

Author, Presentations Coach/Seminar Leader, Conference Speaker -- Tom Leech Winning Presentations, Thomas Leech & Associates

Access Resource

60 Minutes
