Managing the Pace of New Information - Best Practice Institute
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Managing the Pace of New Information

Presenter: Jeff Davidson, "The Work-Life Balance Expert®" Motivational Keynote Speaker, Award-winning Author


Does too much paper, too much reading, and too much with which to keep pace diminish your enjoyment of work and of life? If so, go from glut to gain. Learn how to win with information and not be deluged by it. Discover how to become your own information highway, use information for maximum gain, and keep the din at a manageable level. This program by Jeff Davidson is for organizations whose managers and staff members face a daily glut of too much competing for their time and attention, and offers essential tools for continual improvement.

What Will You Learn

* Understanding the Pace of New Information
* Taking Control Starting Right Where You Are
* Getting Organized, Now and for Good
* Mastering the High Art of Filing
* Combating Packratism

Who Will Participate

These techniques apply to anyone who works at a desk, or in front of a computer and includes executives, managers, team leaders, and team members.


Jeff Davidson

"The Work-Life Balance Expert®" Motivational Keynote Speaker, Award-winning Author

Access Resource

60 Minutes
