Presenter: B. Lynn Ware, PhD ., President and CEO of Integral Talent Systems, is an industrial/organizational psychologist and thought leader who has practiced for more than 25 years in the talent management field. She has designed, developed, and implemented career development systems in partnership with several “Best Place to Work” organizations, such as Google and Scripps Medical Center. Ware's mission is to help leverage the company's investment in talent to generate stronger financial outcomes. She is frequently quoted on trends in talent management in numerous publications, including the Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Harvard Business Review, and has been featured several times on CNN as a global talent management expert.
Baby boomers are beginning to retire and want to change the way they work. Our educational system isn't keeping up with our employment needs. One consequence of changing workforce demographics is that the competition for young, high potential employees is intensifying. To complicate the challenge, the work expectations and priorities of young talent have shifted dramatically.
Join us to learn about how your organization can position itself to attract, recruit and retain these early career employees based on the work life preferences of 4500 Gen Y employees and actual case studies from companies that have demonstrated a high success ratio.