Cigna: Enabling Customer Centricity through Crowdsourcing, Storytelling, and Global Collaboration - Best Practice Institute
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Cigna: Enabling Customer Centricity through Crowdsourcing, Storytelling, and Global Collaboration

Presenter: Karen Kocher, General Manager, Microsoft, 21st Century Jobs, Skills and Employability, Microsoft


Karen Kocher, Chief Learning Officer at Cigna will present the business need, design, and implementation of programs and practices that support and empower customer centricity at Cigna. Her passion for creating social collaboration through smart mob organizing and adding global effectiveness through focus on Cigna’s value chain has garnered leadership support.

What Will You Learn

- Cigna's success engaging its internal crowd utilizing crowd-sourcing principles through intranet
- Designing processes and practices for crowd-sourcing
- The effects of storytelling to enable a customer focus
- Critical Success Factors for global collaboration
- Dialogue and discussion on your challenges and work in the area of customer centricity and global collaboration

Who Will Participate

Senior Executive Board members and internally invited guests


Karen Kocher

General Manager, Microsoft, 21st Century Jobs, Skills and Employability, Microsoft

Access Resource

60 Minutes
