What to do the year BEFORE a Talent Management Suite Implementation - Best Practice Institute
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What to do the year BEFORE a Talent Management Suite Implementation

Presenter: Janna Hartsock, HRIS Manager, American Institute of Research


While Talent Management Suite implementations are all the rage these days, often companies do not realize all that is involved until they are in the middle of the implementation, leading to increased costs, delayed Go Live dates and poor change management.

In this session, Janna Hartsock, HRIS Manager at The American Institutes for Research (AIR), will present on AIR’s implementation of a Talent Management Suite, and what she wishes someone had encouraged them to have worked on before the implementation even started.

What Will You Learn

-How not to pick a new HR system: the importance of an RFI and Scripted demos
-How to read a Statement of Work and know what type of implementation you’ve purchased
-What software can’t fix: a bad process is a bad process
-Competencies: if you don’t have them, why are you implementing a Talent Management Suite?
-Effective Change Management techniques and how software can facilitate cultural change in an organization

Who Will Participate

Anyone contemplating purchasing and implementing software that focuses on “Talent Management”. HR Executives and Managers would benefit most.


Janna Hartsock

HRIS Manager, American Institute of Research

Access Resource

60 Minutes
