Presenter: Wendy Heckelman, President, WLH Consulting, Inc.
Many organizations undertake initiatives to transform their culture. The fact is all organizations have a culture. The key question is does the culture support the desired mission and goals? Do employees' beliefs about the stated culture and the actual culture match up? Using the Four Principles for Rapid Culture Change, organizations can successfully accelerate change and achieve the desired results. This webinar will outline the principles and share best practices related to including them in your organization.
•Explore the four principles for rapid cultural change
•Understand the importance of integrating change efforts at the organizational, team, and individual level
•Share a model for connecting individual beliefs to the desired culture
•How a Leader-led cascade increases accountability for change
•How To leverage technology and measure to accelerate lessons learned and celebrate successes
•Companies who are undergoing internal change and needs to approach transformation in an integrated fashion.
•Executives, leaders and consultants responsible for developing an overall process that focuses at the organization, team and individual level.
•OD Consultants and HR Leaders responsible for championing transformation efforts will benefit from understanding these principles and incorporating them into their efforts.