Digital Tools - Using HR Analytics in a Powerful Way - Best Practice Institute
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Digital Tools - Using HR Analytics in a Powerful Way

Presenter: Agnes Johansen, Vice President People and Leadership, Equinor
Michelle Roth, Head of Talent Management, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory


HR needs to become a more active business partner to leaders in helping them make more informed leadership decisions. In order to do so, HR must take part in the process of providing data in a highly participative and contextual manner. In an effort to become better at using digital tools for HR analytics, we would like to better understand:

* How can HR and the business obtain data to translate it into a clean and clear understanding for leaders to make critical business decisions around all aspects of Talent Management and Human Resources (or beyond)?
* How can we help HR to use analytics to assist in decision making?
* How are you merging data, cleaning up data, moving it to a "place" (i.e., cloud, etc.), and generating metrics and dashboards to be more proactive rather than reactive
* How do you galvanize and develop your team with regard to how to "be" an HR Professional during the digital age?
* Which type of data, analytics, dashboard the HR function in other companies focus on that in their opinion enhance value creation and help decision making?


Agnes Johansen

Vice President People and Leadership, Equinor

Michelle Roth

Head of Talent Management, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

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60 Minutes
