Succession Planning in an Age of Black Swan Events - Best Practice Institute
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Succession Planning in an Age of Black Swan Events

Presenter: William Rothwell, President, Rothwell & Associates, Inc.


Research has shown that fewer than 50 percent of organizations have working succession plans even in the best of times. But continuity planning—which includes replacement planning and succession planning—is particularly important in age of black swan events in which seemingly unimportant events swell into major disasters.

Use this talk as a chance to reflect on how well prepared your organization is to deal with the sudden, unexpected loss of key people or jobholders in key positions.

After this talk, you'll be able to:

What Will You Learn

• Review key components of effective replacement plans
• Examine effective succession plans
• Describe what is unique or different about replacement and succession planning during black swan conditions


William Rothwell

President, Rothwell & Associates, Inc.

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30 Minutes
