Next Practices in Engaging & Retaining High Value and High-Risk Talent - Best Practice Institute
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Next Practices in Engaging & Retaining High Value and High-Risk Talent

Presenter: Bpi, Learning and Leadership Development Staff, Best Practice Institute


As more and more employees join the Great Resignation, companies are forced to not only identify those who are at most risk to leave but also figure out why? Most importantly, Talent Management leaders need to know how to both stop it and workforce plan around it to have talent in place to meet the organization's objectives.

In this BPI Senior Executive Board session, we will come together to co-create the Next Practices for both how to retain and engage your key talent, and also identify the high-risk talent before they resign.

We will split into small groups to co-create the answers to the following statements:

What Will You Learn

* The activities that talent management leaders can take to best engage and retain the best employees are...
* The early warning signs to identify high-risk employees before they resign are...
* The metrics needed to develop a comprehensive workforce plan to ensure continuity of business as attrition increases are...
* The role that the Executive Leadership Team and other key business leaders in the organization play in retaining and engaging top talent and identifying high-risk talent is...



Learning and Leadership Development Staff, Best Practice Institute

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60 Minutes
