Alec Levenson at Best Practice Institute
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Expert Detail


Alec's action research and consulting work with companies optimizes job and organization performance and HR systems through the application of organization design, job design, human capital analytics and strategic talent management.

Four primary areas of focus include: a) Organizational and talent strategies for emerging markets and global organizations b) Talent management practices for the new generation of workers and world of work c) Human capital analytics to improve decisions around talent and work design d) Organization design and effectiveness

His work with companies combines the best elements of scientific research and practical, actionable knowledge that companies can use to improve performance. He draws from the disciplines of economics, strategy, organization behavior, and industrial-organizational psychology to tackle complex talent and organizational challenges that defy easy solutions. His recommendations focus on the actions organizations should take to make lasting improvements in critical areas.

He has trained HR professionals from a broad range of Fortune 500 and Global 500 companies in human capital analytics.


On-Demand Learning Sessions

Doubling Down to Build Bench Strength

Learning Session | Published: May 06, 2013

Dr. Levenson will share the results of research and practice working with leading companies on an emerging area of competitive advantage. The challenges and rewards of building general management bench strength are well known but limited because of the small number of true general manger roles in or...
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