Michele Ryan at Best Practice Institute
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Expert Detail


A proven Director-level leader in blue chip Irish and global multinational organisations, consultant and executive coach with expertise in strategic HR, transformational change and leadership development. Recognised for developing and delivering employer reputation, employee engagement, customer experience, and IT infrastructure programmes which significantly contributed to enhanced organisational reputation and performance.

I provide consultancy services in the corporate, SME and entrepreneurial sectors by taking a fresh, strategic and business-focused approach to support clients to achieve meaningful and sustainable change. As an executive coach, I offer space to step back, challenge thinking, and in a unique way unlock what is blocking potential - supporting leaders to thrive in work and life.


On-Demand Learning Sessions

Women’s Leadership Development at McDonald’s Restaurants (UK)

Learning Session | Published: June 26, 2013

Michele Ryan, HR Director at McDonald’s Restaurants (UK), will present the business need, design, and implementation of programs and practices that support women's leadership development at McDonald's (UK). Michele and her team have an effective, evolving approach to both talent and implementation...
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