The Trendsetter
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The Trendsetter

This article, written by Ryan Mathews, looks at how branding – at least branding as we’ve become used to it – is obsolete, as out sync with the rhythms of commerce in the Third Millennium post-industrial world as a square dancer caller at a Hip Hop club. The projection of often-superficial claims and vaguely defined efficacy statements onto a passive and unsuspecting public who mindlessly purchase with unquestioning belief is an artifact of historical commercial imagination. And, in the same way that branding has changed forever, so the marketing that supports brands and the organizational structures that birth and nurture them also need to change. The assumptions that formed the bedrock of the classical industrial economics are all up for review. The combined force of discontinuities is rapidly overtaking the entrenched bastions of demographic determinism and the established wisdom of long-term longitudinal studies. And, in the midst of what can only be described as revolutionar...