Best Practices in Assessments - A Benchmark-it Recap
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Best Practices in Assessments - A Benchmark-it Recap

Hosting heavyweights for a benchmarking conversation ensures multiple shared epiphanies. Pulled together recently, talent development champions met online on for Best Practices in Assessments: What are we using? What’s working? What’s NOT? A major takeaway for us was recognizing the difference between experience and experiences. Resumes and CVs catalog experience, a listing of examples of places worked and duties performed. Experiences require narratives, stories of behavior with people acting and speaking in settings. Without overworking the subtlety, exemplification and narration are different modes of thinking and understanding. In a way, all the meeting’s participants circled the same idea of story-building behavioral metrics. None of the participants use the same tools. That’s good because it indicates their interest in customizing service. And, it’s bad because we still lack a gold standard. But certain brands surfaced repeatedly.