Best and Next Practices for Performance & Development in 2020 - Best Practice Institute
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Best and Next Practices for Performance & Development in 2020

Presenter: Sandy Allred, Senior Director, Talent Management, Kimberly Clark


This Senior Executive Board Benchmark-it session will look at how we are approaching Performance and Development given the pandemic, and what changes, if any, are being considered. We will focus on both mid-year discussions and end of year performance guidance and address the following questions together:

What Will You Learn

1) How are you approaching mid-year reviews? Business as usual? light touch/check-ins? Not conducting them at all?
2) How are you approaching end of year reviews.
3) How are you addressing changes in the objectives due to the pandemic? Are you developing new objectives and behaviors? Cascading them down? Allowing employees to adjust themselves?
4) Has your organization considered implementing measures that impact compensation such as capped bonuses, delayed merit increase, etc? How will that impact the performance review from a compensation/rewards perspective?
5) How are you measuring employee productivity in a virtual environment?
6) How has this new virtual environment impacted your performance discussions, and coaching and feedback opportunities?
7) Any creative ways you are communicating changes to performance/compensation approaches this year?


Sandy Allred

Senior Director, Talent Management, Kimberly Clark

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60 Minutes
